Vertical gardening has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. It's a great way to maximize limited space and create a stunning display of plants. A friend of a friend brought this idea to my head back in the summer, so I decided to try my hand at a vertical garden project. I did my research, gathered the necessary materials, and set to work. However, despite my best efforts, the project didn't go as planned. In this post, I'll share my journey experience with you.


For my vertical garden project, I decided to use a metal shelf pallet as the structure. I chose to plant tomato and pepper seeds. The end game was to grow a few of them just to taste them. You know, the whole circle, from seed to plant to vegetable, and at the end on a table. Once everything was in place, I eagerly awaited the growth of my vertical garden. However, things didn't go as planned.


Unfortunately, my vertical garden project didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped. The problems began to arise after just a few weeks. First, I noticed that some of the plants were not growing as well as they should have been. This was likely due to the fact that I had not secured the soil well enough, or maybe the watering, or maybe the light, I don't know. In the end, I was left with a disappointing mess of dead and dying plants, and a structure that was beyond repair.

In conclusion, my failed vertical garden project was a disappointment, but it was also a valuable learning experience. Despite the challenges I encountered, I don't regret trying my hand at a vertical garden. I believe that failure is an essential part of the learning process, and I'm grateful for the insights and knowledge that I gained.


This applies to any project that you start. It may be a success, but there is a great chance that it will fail. Just imagine if every project out there was a success, it's impossible! Falling is good, failing gives you a deeper knowledge of the things that you have failed. Nothing is stopping me to try this whole journey again next month, or tomorrow. If that fails but I still want to do the whole circle, why not try again?

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