Hello, this is my first post here, I decided to post this here because I believe that most of the people that use this site have the same problem as I had. I hope that this will ease your daily work and increase your productivity.

I'm a developer for 6+ years, and no matter on which project I'm working on there is always a list of URL's that I'm opening every day. For example, Jira stories. They all seem the same, but only the last part of the path is different. Since I'm using Google Chrome I developed an extension that will help me access these URLs.

You can install the extension from here.

For example, if you have a lot of tasks in Jira and all they have the same base URL but only the last few characters are different.

Sample set up

And when you press CTR+SHIFT+F, a popup will appear where you only write the last 4 characters, for example, 3830, and by pressing enter or Go button, the link will be opened in new tab.

Sample link

If you're interested in the source code you can find it here: https://github.com/stevcooo/urlcombine

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